Dataareacollapsed :It is used to collapsed /Expand groupbox
Syntax:&rec.fld.Dataareacollapsed =True;/*it will collapsed the Grp Box*/
Showrequirefieldque :It will Put * mark on the label of the field.
Syntax:&rec.fld.Showrequirefieldque =true;
HOVERTEXT :It will change hover text of the Push Buttoon & Hyperlink
Syntax: &rec.fld.HOVERTEXT ='TEST';
GenerateScriptContentURL:To generate the url of the a particular navigation.
ViewURL & ViewContentURL :To Open a file which is stored at a particular Location.
We can customise grid on Page .We can hide/unhide some columns .We can even sort according to some fields of the grid .These customisation is specific to a particular user .All these Information is stored in Meta Table PSUSEROBJTYPE.
Understanding PTCUSTOMFORMAT field .It will Look like 0|0|0|0|0#2|0|0|1|2#1|0|0|2|1#
Each # represents the end of a field definition.
The 5 columns for each field mean:
1. Fieldnum. The number represents the order you would see in App Designer. However, the entries are sorted according to the personalized display order. 0 is the first value
2. Hidden: 1-Yes 0-No
3. Frozen: 1-Yes 0-No
4. Sort Type: 1=asc 2=desc
5. Sort Order: 0-No sort otherwise the order in which the the user specified the sorts
Syntax:&rec.fld.Dataareacollapsed =True;/*it will collapsed the Grp Box*/
Showrequirefieldque :It will Put * mark on the label of the field.
Syntax:&rec.fld.Showrequirefieldque =true;
HOVERTEXT :It will change hover text of the Push Buttoon & Hyperlink
Syntax: &rec.fld.HOVERTEXT ='TEST';
GenerateScriptContentURL:To generate the url of the a particular navigation.
ViewURL & ViewContentURL :To Open a file which is stored at a particular Location.
We can customise grid on Page .We can hide/unhide some columns .We can even sort according to some fields of the grid .These customisation is specific to a particular user .All these Information is stored in Meta Table PSUSEROBJTYPE.
Understanding PTCUSTOMFORMAT field .It will Look like 0|0|0|0|0#2|0|0|1|2#1|0|0|2|1#
Each # represents the end of a field definition.
The 5 columns for each field mean:
1. Fieldnum. The number represents the order you would see in App Designer. However, the entries are sorted according to the personalized display order. 0 is the first value
2. Hidden: 1-Yes 0-No
3. Frozen: 1-Yes 0-No
4. Sort Type: 1=asc 2=desc
5. Sort Order: 0-No sort otherwise the order in which the the user specified the sorts
ReplyDeletePlease let me know the impact if we delete the row from PSUSEROBJTYPE for a user.
Will it impact the customization or impact the functionality too.